Friday 19 October 2012

It's the Inside That Counts... In fashion too.

When people think of fashion, they think of glamorous, sexy models six feet tall and barely tipping the scale at one hundred pounds strolling down a runway wearing skimpy, slutty clothing and over-applied makeup.  I'm no expert, but I can tell you that this assumption is wrong. I'll give you a couple reasons why.

First, to make this assumption is demeaning to girls and women.  It sends anger rushing through me whenever I hear girls called sluts or inappropriately dressed.  At school, the curvy, more womanly girls get targeted more than the petite, skinny girls if they're wearing a short, tight skirt, which is completely unfair.  Yes, girls shouldn't dress like they want all the boys to flock around them like idiots. They should dress maturely, even in middle school when fashion is the one thing that gets you a little farther ahead of everyone else.

Which is another thing that makes me furious.  People assume that being fashionable means following all the trends.  We've seen the trends, they've come and gone. And there are a few that have stuck like glue, refusing to budge. Skinny jeans, Uggs, and tight graphic or Aeropostale tees.  This isn't in the dress code at school, but people wear variations of this that ARE in the dress code. When the girls do decide to wear skirts, they dare to go high and tight.  And like as not, the skinny girls are left alone.

So, in my mind, it's the girl that doesn't care what everyone thinks who's the most fashionable.  She wears her clothes confidently. She doesn't try to cover up her flaws.  She's the one that looks the most beautiful out of those streams of girls with straightened hair and layers of mascara.  She's the one that stands out. 

Sunday 14 October 2012

Teen Vogue cover: November 2012

The cover of the November 2012 Teen Vogue is beautiful. I love it, that's all I can say. It captures Demi's dreamy and romantic side, and gives it a girly, sweet edge that's attractive and at the same time eye-catching. Her clothing is subtle, keeping most of the attention on her face and hair.  Her hair, pulled back in a loose braid with several dreamy strands coming lose, is died blue at the ends and gives the good-girl image a different side, giving the image a good contrast of things.  Her eyes and eyebrows are one of her most intense features, and the photographer beautifully captures this through the image. Demi is beautiful, and this definitely brings out her more beautiful features. The hairstylist Holli Smith says, "We wanted something soft and free-spirited--just like her personality." It ties in well with the article written about her, giving the whole magazine's feel a smooth, pretty effect.

Two thumbsup for the Teen Vogue stylists--this cover is gorgeous!

Fashion Lovers... Welcome Home.

I've always loved fashion.  I love looking through old back issues of Vogue, and I'm obsessed with buying Teen Vogue. As I flipped through the November 2012 issue of Teen Vogue, I realized that it would be amazing to start my own fashion blog. I would blog about fashion, the latest trends, what's hot, what's not, and comment on the outfits of people on the internet. I'm so happy you're reading my blog! :) Please tell others about it. Thank you.